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Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica

Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica's relationship with the RAF is well established and it makes sense that they would sponsor the first Spitfire journey around the globe. These two men are not only pilots, but also cultural historians. Jones and Brooks founded the Boultbee Academy together. This is the only training school in the world that teaches pilots how to fly Spitfires. It's located at Goodwood Estate. The school also offers Spitfire experiences in specially equipped two-seater aircraft (Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica), and even has a Spitfire simulation. In essence, the two pilots are dedicated to preserving and telling the story of the Spitfire. It was Jones and Brooks who first toyed with the idea of flying a Spitfire across the globe.

Brooks says, "There's such reverence towards this aircraft. Many parts of the globe have never seen a Spitfire in person. Children still make model Spitfires. We decided to fly a plane across the Atlantic to the United States and then on to Asia and India, before returning to Europe via the Middle East. We would welcome visitors to the plane in 100 different locations and tell them about our journey and its history.

Jones says, "We've been friends with Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica for many years. We are united by our love of engineering precision. Both are vital in the creation the world's most exquisite timepieces. We also knew that Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica, with its expertise in creating pilot's timepieces, shared our love of aviation. Chris Grainger was an architect who trained in England and lived there for many years. He also looked for objects with incredible aesthetics that serve a purpose. The Spitfire held a special place in his heart. We knew after our first meeting with him that we had the perfect partner to help us make our dream of an around-the-world flight a reality.

"I was impressed by Matt and Steve," says Grainger-Herr. They told me that because the Spitfire cabin is not pressurized, you can experience extreme weather conditions. At high altitudes, they'll experience freezing conditions over the Artic or even the replica watches And at low altitudes in Nevada, it will be boiling. It is both a tribute to a great engineering icon and a test of endurance. I find the combination of both factors very appealing and representative of Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica's values."

I was amazed by the Spitfire specially prepared for the journey that Brooks and Jones are taking. I held the launch of the limited edition Rolex Sea-Dweller Replica collaboration with this publication at the SIHH booth in January.